sometimes become a reality and today we can boldly say this is true. Over the years in movies and cartoons we have seen lots of fantasies like a car diving under water and in some case flying. Such can be seen in one of James Bond 007 movie “The Spy Who Loved Me” where his car transformed into a scuba car when it dives underwater, then it was a fantasy but today it is a reality. A scuba car that operates both on land and underwater was produced in 2008. However, even though that has become a reality, it will not been seen on the streets or in the oceans any time soon because of its price tag. Furthermore, cartoon like the “The Jetsons and danger mouse” gives us insight of what the future holds in terms of their car operating terrestrially and aerially when the need arises. Conversely, through research and development that has become a reality and today we have the Terrafugia flying car. Terrafugia is both a car and a plane in one. It is the first flying automobile that can transform and take to the sky or remain on the road as car. It can further be described as a transition vehicle or road-able aircraft. Link.......
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